JD Vance & “Childless Cat Ladies”
Does JD Vance represent Catholic values?
Daniel Lyons
Is Autism a disability?
Daniel Lyons
Fair Pay for Uber Driver
Should Uber drivers be classified as self-employed contractors?
Hamza King
An Education Based on Happiness
What steps should we take to reform education?
Louie Lang
The Virtue of Austerity
Can we combat climate change by rediscovering the nobility in poverty?
Daniel Lyons
‘Englishness’ and the ‘Mankad’
How have race and class impacted cricket?
Duncan Stone
Crime Without Punishment
What kind of changes would radical prison abolition require?
Gene Glotzer
The World Cup
How should we respond to Qatar’s human rights abuses?
Luna Hamann
The Prison Abolition Movement
How would prison abolitionists deal with unrepentant criminals who pose a danger to society?
Hamza King
Animal Language
What is the first step in providing animals with rights?
Luna Hamann
A Divided Society
How should we respond to the rise of populist leaders?
Mark Fox
Illusions of Merit
How does populism obscure talent and reward personality?
Daniel Lyons
Mob Rule & Cancel Culture
What can populism teach us about democracy?
Jessica Ryan
The Washington Football Team
Should brands be forced to change with the times?
Reiss Vince
Making Good Decisions
How can we hold decision-makers more accountable for war?
Gene Glotzer
The Abuse of Language
Can we wage wars against concepts?
By Hamza King
Fort Sumter 2.0
Is a civil war likely in America?
Daniel Lyons
Minimum Unit Pricing
How can policy change drinking culture in England?
Hamza King
Toward a New Consensus
Is president Biden really the new Jimmy Carter?
Daniel Lyons
Money & Value Theory
Is money still useful?
Gene Glotzer